Import / Export

1. Import

Proxyman supports multiples traffic log files from Proxyman and Charles Proxy.

  • Proxyman Log: Built-in Proxyman Log that contains all Requests and Responses information.

  • Proxyman Session: Entire working session files that are exported from the Proxyman app.

  • HAR 1.2 (HTTP Archive): Suitable for transferring the HTTP Request and Response to other apps for the later inspector. Charles, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and other Network Analyzer apps are fully supported.

  • Charles Proxy Log: Charles Log that exports from Charles Proxy app. The file extension is chls.

  • CSV File: Export selected requests as a CSV file (Proxyman 2.29.0+)

  • Charles Proxy Log for iOS (Proxyman 2.30.0+): File extension is chlsj.

  • Export as Postman Collection 2.

If you would like to save an entire working Session, please read the Save Session Page.

Save SessionCharles Proxy Converter

2. Export

You can export:

  • List of selected Requests or Responses.

  • All traffic from specific Client or Domain Node or Remote Devices.

  • An entire working session.

  • Export as Proxyman LOG or ProxymanSession, Body or Raw tab.

It's useful to export a bug request that you can investigate later or send to your QA team.

3. Import & Export by Command Line

Proxyman offers a useful command line that helps you perform that import/export operation by a bash script.


4. How to use

4.1 Import files to Proxyman

  • Drag and drop files to Proxyman Window

  • File -> Open -> Select a file

The imported file will be added to the Pin Section where you can inspect all traffic.

4.2 Export to files

There are many ways to export a selected request to files:

  • Select Request & Response on the main table view -> Right Click -> Export

  • Right Click on the App or Domain -> Export

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