1. What's it?
Proxyman provides a list of handy built-in add-ons that help you to do many common tasks, such as MD5, SHA1 Hashing, Base64 Encode/Decode, Beautify XML, JSON, ....
2. Built-in Addons
You can find sample code for all addons at Addons Snippet Code
Name | Description |
Base64 Encoding/Decode. Support Native atob/btoa function | |
CamelCase.js | Convert text to Camel Case |
CryptoJS.js | DES, AES, Rabbit encryption/decryption algorithm. A small wrapper of CryptoJS |
DateToTimestamp.js | Convert String Date to Timestamp |
DateToUTC.js | Convert String Date to UTC String |
DecodeURI.js | Decode percent-encoded String |
EncodeURI.js | Encode to percent-encoded String |
FormatCSS.js | Beautify CSS String |
FormatJSON.js | Beautify JSON String |
BeautifyJSON.js | Convert JSON Obj to beauty JSON String |
UglifyJSON.js | Convert JSON Obj to ugly JSON String |
FormatXML.js | Beautify XML String |
HelloWorld.js | Hello World |
Hex2rgb.js | Convert #000000 string to RGB string |
JsonToQuery.js | Convert JSON Objc to Query String |
JSONValidator.js | Validate JSON String |
Decode JWT Token | |
KebabCase.js | Conver to Kebab String |
Hash MD5 | |
MinifyCSS.js | Minify CSS String |
MinifyJSON.js | Minify JSON String |
MinifyXML.js | Minify XML String |
QueryToJson.js | Convert Query String to JSON Object |
Deflate/Inflate and GZip/UnGZip | |
Hash SHA1 | |
Hash SHA256 | |
Hash SHA512 | |
SnakeCase.js | Convert to Snake Case |
StartCase.js | Convert to Start Case |
Generate Unique UUID-v4 string |
3. How to use addons?
Each addon will export the function that you can import by using the require
To illustrate, Base64.js addon looks like:
Then, you can use it in the script:
You can find all addons code at ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.proxyman.NSProxy/addons
4. Notes
The require
function is not a built-in function from JavascriptCore framework, it's a custom function that Proxyman provides to allows the user to import the addons/libs easily.
Thanks to Ivan Mathy for creating Boop app that facilitates Proxyman's built-in add-ons.
Addons folder will be overridden for every new Proxyman Update. Make sure you don't edit the addon. If need to modify, please copy to the users folder
Last updated