Request / Response Previewer

See the content of HTTP Message

After installing the Certificate and enable HTTP Response on domains or clients, your network traffic would show up immediately inside the Proxyman window, separated into three main areas:

  • The Source List on the left panel

  • The Flow List on the middle panel

  • The Flow Content on the right panel

Body Content Previewer

Depend on what the content of the Request or Response is: Proxyman will automatically show in separate tabs:

  • Header: All headers (key-value table)

  • Cookies: Cookie key in the header

  • Set-Cookie for the Set-Cookie Header in the Response

  • Auth: Authentication key in the header

  • Body: The body of the message: Proxyman automatically formats and beautifies the body content depends on the Content-Type, such as JSON, PNG, GIF, Raw Data, ...

  • Query: If the request has a query, all queries are presented.

  • Raw: The RAW HTTP message.

  • Protobuf Message

  • MessagePack

  • Multipart/form-data

Custom Previewer Tab

It's possible to customize which Previewer Tab you would like to see

  • Custom tabs will persistent on the Request/Response Panel

  • Attempt to decode and beautify the content

Custom Previewer Tab

Layout mode

There are two way to order the Request / Response Panel: Vertical or Horizontal layout

Customize Workspace

You can use custom layout buttons on the top right corner of the app to display content as your preference

  1. Collapse/Expand Source List Panel

  2. Open Request/ Response Panel in new window

  3. Display Request/Response Panel in Horizontal layout

  4. Display Request/Response Panel in Vertical layout


All sections are support Copy (⌘C) and multiple selections

Read more at our Proxyman Keyboard Shortcuts blog

Body Previewer

Body previewer automatically beautifies the content as well as offering handy minor features:

  • Tree View: Represent the JSON in Tree View mode

  • Hex: Show the body in Hex format

  • Export only body: Able to export your body content to file. Suitable for Raw Data or binary data

  • Open With: You can open the Body content with your favorite Editor. Sublime Text is mime 😍

JSON Tree View mode

Proxyman supports native JSON Tree View mode, which displays a JSON Body. It allows the developer to:

  • Search JSON by JSON Path

  • Copy JSON Node like Google Developer Tool does.

Last updated