
Proxyman provides a useful command-line tool to enhance your onboarding experience ✅.

You can access the tool at /Applications/

1. Export Proxyman config

Export all debugging tools rules, such as SSL Proxying List, Breakpoint, Map Local, Scripting, Block List, Allow List, Reverse Proxy, and Network Conditions.

$ /Applications/ export -h

OVERVIEW: Export all debugging tools rules (Breakpoint, SSL Pinning, Map Local, Map
Remote, Scripting, etc).

USAGE: proxyman-cli export [--mode <mode>] --output <output>

  -m, --mode <mode>       Export Mode (all = "All debugging tools's rules", enabledRules
                          = "Only enabled rules"). (default: all)
  -o, --output <output>   A Output file to save the config to.
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.

By default, the export command would export all rules. To exclude particular rules, please uncheck the "Enabled" column in each debugging tool and use the -m enabledRules

For example:

  • Export all debugging tool rules:

$ /Applications/ export -o ~/Desktop/data.json

  • Only export enabled rules:

$ /Applications/ export -m enabledRules -o ~/Desktop/data.json

2. Import Proxyman config

Import Proxyman debugging tools rules that you have exported by the export command.

$ /Applications/ import -h

OVERVIEW: Import config to Proxyman.

USAGE: proxyman-cli import [--mode <mode>] --input <input>

  -m, --mode <mode>       Import Mode (append = "Append to the existing rules"),
                          override = "Import and Replace all existing rules". (default:
  -i, --input <input>     A input file to import.
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.

By default, new imported rules will be appended to the existing debugging rules. To override all rules, let use -m override

For example:

  • Import all debugging rules by appending them:

$ /Applications/ import -i ~/Desktop/data.json

  • Import, but override all my existing rules:

$ /Applications/ import -m override -i ~/Desktop/data.json

Please check out the command for activating and unlinking a license.


4. Toggle HTTP System Proxy

From Proxyman 4.8.0 and later, we can toggle the Proxy System by command line. It's useful for Raycast Extension

/Applications/ proxy on
/Applications/ proxy off


5. Clear Session

  • We can clear the current Session from the command line. Available for Proxyman 4.12.0 and later.

/Applications/ clear-session

6. Toggle Tools

  • Toggle Breakpoint, Map Local, and Scripting Tool by command line. Available for Proxyman 4.12.0 and later.

# Scripting
/Applications/ scripting on
/Applications/ scripting off

# Map Local
/Applications/ maplocal on
/Applications/ maplocal off

# Breakpoint
/Applications/ breakpoint on
/Applications/ breakpoint off

7. Install the Proxy Helper Tool by command line

From macOS 4.12.0 or later, you can install the Helper Tool without GUI.

sudo /Applications/ --install-privileged-components

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